Video & Audio

Immersive Experiences


There's no better way to tell a story than through video - that's why people consume so much video content. Digital video ads go far beyond YouTube, Facebook & Instagram now. It's now possible to reach people on their TVs via CTA & OTT. Gone are the days of only being able to buy TV for everyone watching a show in an entire market. Now you can refine your reach (and spend) to just those people who are in your demographic targets or those that have already visited your site. And you can use tracking pixels to later see if those people visited your site or converted.


Audio has more reach than you would expect. People listen to streaming music, talk radio & podcasts as they go about their day. Similar to video ads, when you refine the targeting to nurture your prospects and reach your top-tier personas, this medium can really move the needle.

If you want to make your media mix more comprehensive with video and audio, reach out and see how we can help.